As of September, 2024, Oma is moving back home to the Von Trapp collection.
Oma was one of the very first cheeses to be ripened in the Cellars at Jasper Hill, debuting in early 2009. Just as the Kehler family acted swiftly to realize the opportunity to ripen Cabot Clothbound, the von Trapps got to work building their creamery and developing a recipe in order to leverage the growing momentum of the American Farmstead Cheese movement. The investment in this new ripening space at Jasper Hill Farm was emboldening, and our partnership was mutually reassuring as we all took a leap of faith together.
Over the years, as we collaborated to continuously develop Oma alongside our growing menu of cheeses, the von Trapps worked tirelessly to keep their Farmstead dairy vibrant, while innovating a small collection of their own. Eventually, Sebastian and his wife and partner in cheesemaking, Molly, were able to create ripening spaces of their own. Years of this continuing development have created the space for the von Trapps to bring Oma back to their farmstead.
For more information on where and how to purchase Oma, visit the von Trapps website linked below.